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Artist Statement


 I’m a Senior in highschool who has taken a passion for Art. Am I the best at drawing or painting? No. In fact my drawing and painting skills are maybe just a little bit below average. It’s my new found love for photography that has brought me here. When I started this year I had no idea how a camera even worked. All I knew was point focus and click. This past year I have learned so much about art and even myself. I understand a camera and now consider it a part of my body.


I’m not trying to say that I had no interest in art before this year though. I’m a dancer and I have been breakdancing for 4 years now.Dance is my interpretation of art. You don’t need to have something on a canvas or on a photo to call it art. I don’t call my dancing a sport or a hobby. It’s a passion and a lifestyle.


This is an Artist Statement not just a photography project. I also do try to draw and paint as for the past five or six years I have been “attempting” to make drawings in several art classes.


One of my bigger accomplishments is Photography though. I have found a love for taking photos and now I see the world in a completely different perspective. I’m proud of my work and I can say that this class has changed my life for the better.

What I plan in the future is to keep pursuing new ways to involve myself in the art world and really make an appearance. I’m going to keep pushing on and striving to succeed in life and become known for something.

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